Tabelle aus Logbuch Seite 242 vom 10. März 1789


Arrooah................2     They have no way of expressing eleven twelve 
Tauroo.................3     &ca. &ca. as we do, but count the digits 
Hayah..................4     over again and call twenty attaigh taou 
Areema.................5     or rather taow. 
Awhennee                     They then by help of the digits count by 
Aono    }..............6     twenties up to 200 which is called Row 
Aheitoo................7     saying ahooroo taow attaigh Row that 
Awarro.................8     is ten times twenty is 200. 
Attaigh taow..........20
Arrooah taow..........40     They then by help of the digits count by 
Tauroo taow...........60     200 at a time up to 2000 which is called 
Hayah taow............80     attaigh Manno no tirow—or Manno. 
Areema taow..........100
Awhennee taow........120     They then count by 2000 at a time as 
Aheitoo taow.........140     before up to 20000 which is called
Awarroo taow.........160     Mannnoyou.
Aheiva taow..........180     Then by 20000 at a time up to 200000
Ahooroo taow                 which is called Manno tynnee and 
Attaigh row }........200     here they end, expressing any numbers 
Arrooah row..........400     that in their Idea exceed this, by a 
Tauroo row...........600     repetition of the word Manno, Manno, 
Hayah row............800     Manno, which is many many thousands,
Areema row..........1000     numbers innumerable
Awhennee row........1200
Aheitoo row.........1400
Awarroo row.........1600
Aheiva row..........1800
Ahooroo row is 
Attaigh Manno 
no terow     }......2000