Tabelle aus Logbuch Seite 304 vom 4. September 1788


July 2d N43°E 14 July 19 So50E 16 Augt 5 N32W 2 Total Amount
3 "15 20 N61W 13 6 2 NSEWX Longd.
4 So56E 22 21 W1N 60 7 2 114.4123.8201.0204.0
6"2323"149S68W880.0 =105
15S81E27Augt 1"818S77W13

The greatest Variation I found in the Course of this Passage was in Latd. 36°:20′ So 39..00 Et where it was 30°:34′W from that time to the Latd. 39°..40′ S Longd. 50°..21′ E it continued little other than 27 degrees. In the Latd. 38°..50′ So. Longd. 71°..38′ Et it had altered to 19°..55′ W, and here it continued at, nearly untill in the Latd. 40°..56′ So Longd 89°..54′ Et, when it was 15°..24′ W. It now decreased to 6°..23′ W in the Latd. 44°:07′ So. Longd. 122°:23′ Et, and in the Longd. 132°:35′ Et Latd. 43°:56′ So I found 1°..38′ East, so that I( had passed the Line of no Variation which I was anxious to have determined; gbut the weather was too unfavorable. It is remarkable how it has changed in the course of 11 years, for when I was with Captn. Cook we observed in the Latd. 43°..27′ So Longd. 141°:50′Et the Variation to be 1°..24′Et. so that the line of 1½ degree has changed it position 9°..15′ to the West. The Variation in Adventure Bay was 5°..53′ Et and now I make it 8°..33′ Et but this change is no more than is commonly supposed to take place.

The Time Keeper on the 21st and 23d. gave the Longd of Pengwin Island 146°..46′:42″Et which is 46′47″ too little; but this my observn. on the 17th. proved to me, and I infer that this error took place soon after my leaving the Cape, when the Thermr. fell below 50° for its Rate was determined on a Medium when the Therr was about 65°, and I am sensible it is effected by any such changes,.

On the 26th was the first day I could make any observations to establish the Time Keepers rate of going. I then found it to be 2′:52″,6 slow for Mean Time at Greenwich, and by four days corresponding observations, its Rate was 0″,83 loosing


Tabelle aus Logbuch Seite 305 vom 4. September 1788

pr. 24 Hours, and Slow for mean Time at Greenwich on the 1st. September 2′..50″,9, which is the Rate and error I leave this place with.

I have determined the Longitude of Pengwin Island by 19 sets of Lunar Observations on both sides of the Moon, which were all I could get, and I shall therefore finish my Remarks on that head by inserting the observations as they were taken of every kind

July 2d N43°E 14 July 19 So50E 16 Augt 5 N32W 2 Total Amount
3 "15 20 N61W 13 6 2 NSEWX Longd.
4 So56E 22 21 W1N 60 7 2 114.4123.8201.0204.0
6"2323"149S68W880.0 =105
15S81E27Augt 1"818S77W13

Each of the Variations is a mean of four sets of Azimuths by Two Compasses. The Longds. from the 11th. of August are reduced to Pengwin Island by the Time Keeper, as those that are taken on board of the Ship. I found it High Water at the Change of the Moon at 49 Mins past 6 in the Morning, and the rise and fall 2F:8In. Southerly Winds rises the Tide a foot or two higher if they are of any continuance., A Book of all my astronomical observations and another with the Account of the going of the Time Keeper belong to this Log, recourse to which may be had for farther particulars.